Monday, 31 July 2017

Fox Avatar Preview

Included items: 
- Complete avatar with male + female shapes, skins, and hair. 
- Solid and flexible tails. 
- Customization HUD

- Eyelid blink and poses. 
- Talkjaw, jaw, and tongue poses. 
- Ear twitch and tuck. 
- Recolourable eyes, pawpads, and mouth.

Skin textures for Omega Appliers available on request. Contact Blaze Borgin in-world.

Red Panda Avatar Preview

Included items:
- Complete avatar with male + female shapes, skins, and hair.
- Two tail types.
- Customization HUD

- Eyelid blink and poses.
- Talkjaw, jaw, and tongue poses.
- Ear twitch and tuck.
- Recolourable eyes, pawpads, and mouth.

Skin textures for Omega Appliers available on request. Contact Blaze Borgin in-world.

Purchase on Marketplace